Categories: Case Studies | Published On: 13 September 2023 | 1.4 min read |

Production of an FMIR Window for the IRSN

The IRSN – Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety – is the French national public expert in nuclear and radiological risks. IRSN has nearly 1,750 employees made up of specialists, engineers, doctors, agronomists, veterinarians, technicians, experts and researchers. The Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Minister of Ecological Transition, the Minister of the Armed Forces, and the Ministers responsible for Energy Transition, Research and Health.

As part of a chemiluminescence experiment of the OH molecule (production of light following a chemical reaction), Mr. Pretrel – research engineer, authorized to supervise research within IRSN – had to detect the UV light emanating from flames using an intensified camera. Its specifications required the installation of an UV window.

Mr. Pretrel selected the FMIR window from SOREM, a subsidiary of Wintech Groupe.

Performance of the FMIR window 280 Type 07

The FMIR 280 Type 01 window designed for the IRSN is a silica window (diameter 280mm, 93 % transmission between 0.2 and 2.5 μm):

  • Excellent UV transmission.
  • Seamless inegration with the search system.

Customer testimonial:

« I selected SOREM because of its long experience in the manufacture of optomechanical assemblies. After receipt, the FMIR window was installed, without difficulty, in the intended location. There were no complications. The porthole behaved well and played its part. We are ready to renew our confidence in SOREM for future projects requiring optomechanical assemblies. > M. Pretrel, HDR qualified research engineer within IRSN

The FMIR window is designed and manufactured by SOREM, a subsidiary of Wintech Groupe, specialized in the design, manufacture and production of optical and optomechanical solutions. The FMIR window is a standardized window, dedicated to measurement applications for industry and research.


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The IRSN – Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety – is the French national public expert in nuclear and radiological risks. IRSN has nearly 1,750 employees made up of specialists, engineers, doctors, agronomists, veterinarians, technicians, experts and researchers. The Institute is placed under the joint supervision of the Minister of Ecological Transition, the Minister of the Armed Forces, and the Ministers responsible for Energy Transition, Research and Health.

As part of a chemiluminescence experiment of the OH molecule (production of light following a chemical reaction), Mr. Pretrel – research engineer, authorized to supervise research within IRSN – had to detect the UV light emanating from flames using an intensified camera. Its specifications required the installation of an UV window.

Mr. Pretrel selected the FMIR window from SOREM, a subsidiary of Wintech Groupe.

Performance of the FMIR window 280 Type 07

The FMIR 280 Type 01 window designed for the IRSN is a silica window (diameter 280mm, 93 % transmission between 0.2 and 2.5 μm):

  • Excellent UV transmission.
  • Seamless inegration with the search system.

Customer testimonial:

« I selected SOREM because of its long experience in the manufacture of optomechanical assemblies. After receipt, the FMIR window was installed, without difficulty, in the intended location. There were no complications. The porthole behaved well and played its part. We are ready to renew our confidence in SOREM for future projects requiring optomechanical assemblies. > M. Pretrel, HDR qualified research engineer within IRSN

The FMIR window is designed and manufactured by SOREM, a subsidiary of Wintech Groupe, specialized in the design, manufacture and production of optical and optomechanical solutions. The FMIR window is a standardized window, dedicated to measurement applications for industry and research.